Saturday, October 9, 2010

Recon-Zeal Transcend goggles with GPS and head-mounted display

Winter is coming and its time for some wild winter sports when the first snow hits the mountains. But wait if you're a winter sports fanatic have you heard about the new Recon-Zeal Transcend goggles?
Yes! display technology innovator Recon Instruments and sports lens developer Zeal Optics came together to create the worlds first and only goggles which feature GPS and a head mounted display.
These goggles provide its user with real time display/feedback of speed, latitude/longitude, altitude, vertical distance travelled, total distance traveled, chrono/stopwatch mode, a run counter, temperature and time and add all that with GPS capabilities USB charging, Data transfer with a user friendly interface.

All this is made possible with an onboard micro computer which is attached to an array of sensors which include accelerometer, gyroscope, temperature and pressure sensors which track the user’s position in their environment in real time plus, a GPS chip. All the data aquired by these sensors is then processed by the micro computer and displayed on a micro LCD screen placed inside the goggles. But dont worry its not going to  block your normal view of the surrounding cause the display on the micro LCD screen is then magnified by a 3D lens and projected as a virtual image so it appears to be about six feet in front of the user. Isn't it so amazing! Its not going to be right in front of the eye view blocking your normal vision.
The goggle feature 3 glove friendly buttons on the side to control the kind of information you want to see. The USB port lets you charge the device plus you can download all the trip stats to a computer for analysis via a software called Recon HQ which comes with it.

Some light on the specs 
Click the image for enlarged view

These goggles are now available in two models with lens variants, Transcend SPPX is fitted with an SPPX polarized and photochromic lens retailing at $499US, Transcend SPX features an SPX polarized lens and costs $399. Recon Instruments has also hinted at an open API app development community, with some featured free apps for download.

But you better act quick, these are limited edition goggles which are only available from date 10-10-10 at this Website

This is only the beginning, we will see more features and designes added to such kind of gadgets in the near future.
Have fun watching this cool video giving you a picture of what it would feels like to be wearing these goggles.


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